There is no pre-registration, however, it is important that your son/daughter attend the first day of practice and/or try-outs. Also, a current sports physical and signed compliance forms must be on file in order for the athlete to participate.
Fenwick will be following the most up to date guidance from the IDPH, CDC, and IHSA. Every student-athlete must be wearing a mask as they arrive and leave for practice or athletic competition. Students will be asked a series of questions to log their activity and have their temperature taken before participating. There will be sport specific measures we must follow as well.
The IHSA is allowing 20-contact days starting September 7th through October 31st. We will have more information on these opportunities as we receive more guidance from the IHSA. Feel free to contact the athletic department or the varsity head coach for more information.
Playing time is a coaching decision based on a number of factors including, but not limited to, talent/skill level, effort, commitment, respect, and character. Coaches want to know that their athletes are coachable and trustworthy.
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On a designated home game toward the end of the season, there will be a brief ceremony in which the athlete along with his/her parents are introduced. Fenwick will have a rose for each senior to present to a parent or guardian. The President and Principal are invited to all Senior Nights. Fenwick does not contribute financially in any other way.
Fenwick athletics takes precedence over travel, club sports, AAU, etc. If your child decides to participate in a non-Fenwick activity during the season, it will be considered an unexcused absence.
Fenwick encourages multi-sport athletes. As a result, the in-season sport is a priority. The summer can be challenging and requires communication and compromise with the student-athlete and coaches. The Athletics Director can help facilitate these discussions.
There is only an admission charge for Varsity Football, Varsity Boys’/Girls’ Basketball, Girls’ Volleyball and Wrestling. The cost for admission is $5 for adults and $3 for children/students.